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360° Mindfulness Workshop - Fall Semester 2020
Mondays 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Sept. 14: Mindfulness in everyday life (Angie Brown).
Sept. 21: Embodying self-love: Guided imagery and heart math focusing (Mary Rockwood Lane).
Sept. 28: Compassion practice (Sabine Grunwald).
Oct. 5: Resilience (Sabine Grunwald).
Oct. 12: Comfort with uncertainty (Jan Snyder).
Oct. 19: Reclaiming the inner artist: Healing with the arts (Mary Rockwood Lane).
Oct. 26: Working with body & breath (Kim Holton).
Nov. 2: iRest Yoga Nidra (Carol Lewis).
Nov. 9: Mindful awareness of emotions in relationships (Ana Puig).
Nov. 16: Reflexology (Lylly Rodriquez).
Nov. 23: Self-compassion (Kim Holton).
Nov. 30: Working with fear (Jan Snyder).
Dec. 7: iRest Yoga Nidra (Carol Lewis).
Dec. 14: Mindful exam taking (Jan Snyder).
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