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Talks & Recordings

UF Mindfulness organized  several UF Mindfulness Days with keynote speakers and invited talks. UF Mindfulness members have given various talks and teachings. 

Image by Yasin Yusuf

Mindful Creativity to Embody Anti-Racism: A Lifelong Journey by Dr. Ana Puig

Nuanced, deep, and impactful. Ana Puig, Core Member of UF Mindfulness, explores the connection between mindful creativity and anti-racism? Discover from a grounded place of mindfulness your own core beliefs in regard to racism and anti-racism. 


Find more information at UF Anti-Racism

Image by Womanizer WOW Tech

Inner Empowerment and Outer Transformation: Interpersonal Mindfulness and Alternative Forms of Activism by Dr. Sabine Grunwald

Speaker at the UF Mindfulness Day “Mindfulness and Social Change” 2019. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (April 1, 2019). 


Sabine Grunwald, Ph.D., Professor, and Director of UF Mindfulness.

Interdependence: Social Change and Inner Change by Dr. Marisela B. Gomez

Keynote Speaker at the UF Mindfulness Day “Mindfulness and Social Change” 2019. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (April 1, 2019).

Marisela B. Gomez is a community activist, author, public health professional, and physician scientist. She received a B.S. and M.S. from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, a Ph.D., M.D., and MPH from the Johns Hopkins University. As a social activist she has addressed issues of racism, segregation and community development, discrimination, and violence. Get to know her (Tedx talk): Her activism and social engagement are informed through inner development grounded in meditation practice. She is ordained in the Order of Interbeing in the Buddhist tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.


The Nuts and Bolts of Mindfulness Meditation

(Sorry the video is upside down; audio is fine)

Group Session at the UF Mindfulness Day “Mindfulness and Social Change” 2019. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (April 1, 2019).

Facilitators: Jennifer Martin, Ph.D.; Jan Snyder, Ph.D.; and Carol Lewis, Ph.D., MPH, and CPH.

Image by Conscious Design
Group Dance

Body Maps of Attention: How a Whole Person Approach May Inform the Neuroscience of Mindfulness by Dr. Glenn Hartelius

Keynote talk at the UF Mindfulness Day “Mind and Culture” 2017. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 25, 2017).


Dr. Glenn Hartelius, Director of the Integral and Transpersonal Psychology Program in the School of Consciousness and Transformation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA.

Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga by Gurudev Shri Amritji (Yogi Amrit Desai)

Invited Guest Teacher at UF Mindfulness Day “Mind and Culture” 2017. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 25, 2017).


A globally revered spiritual leader, Gurudev Shri Amritji has reached millions through his international trainings, workshops, seminars, and conferences. He is founder of the largest yoga and health centers in North America and has been recognized with the titles “International Grand Yoga Master,” “Doctor of Yoga,” “Jagadacharya,” “Maharishi,” and many more. He has been awarded the “Global Service Award,” “The Patanjali Award,” and the “Vishwa Yoga Ratna” presented by the President of India.


Child's Pose
Digital Nomad

Cultural Digital Paranoia and Mania - How can we Find Silence in a World of Noise? by Dr. Sabine Grunwald

Dr. Grunwald is the Director UF Mindfulness and Professor in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF. She was speaker at the UF Mindfulness Day “Mind and Culture” 2017. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 25, 2017).

Mindfulness and Political Discourse: How Do Red and Blue Have a Conversation by Dr. Jan M. Snyder

Dr. Snyder is Clinical Psychologist and member of UF Mindfulness. She was speaker at the UF Mindfulness Day “Mind and Culture” 2017. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 25, 2017)

blue and red.png

Mindfulness Forgiveness: How Letting You Go Sets Me Free by Dr. Ana Puig and Dr. Emi Lenes

Dr. Ana Puig is Scholar & Research Director, College of Education, UF and Core member of UF Mindfulness.  Dr. Emi Lenes is member of UF Mindfulness, staff at the UF Counseling and Wellness Center, PACE Counselor/Site Host. 

The talk was given at the UF Mindfulness Day “Mind and Culture” 2017. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 25, 2017).

Mindfulness and Staying in the Green Zone by Dr. Sabine Grunwald

The talk was given as part of the Wellness Wednesdays UF Health Wellness seminar, Gainesville, FL (August 2, 2017).

Green Goodness
Soothing Bell

OneScience - Authentic and Mindful Scientific Integration Approaches by Dr. Sabine Grunwald

The talk was given as part of the One Health Seminars “Mind Over Matter”, Emergent Pathogen Institute, Gainesville, FL (March 13, 2017).

In Dialogue about Wisdom and Aging by Dr. Monika Ardelt

A timeless talk. Dr. Ardelt is Professor of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UF, Gainesville, FL . 

Close Up Owl

Living Life Mindfully by Michael A. Singer

Mickey Singer is author of the New York Times Best Sellers: “The Untethered Soul” and “The Surrender Experiment”. He was keynote speaker at the UF Mindfulness Day 2016. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 26, 2016).

Meditation, Wellness, and the Brain by Dr. Louis A. Ritz

Dr. Ritz is Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Medicine, McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida (UF). Director UF Center for Spirituality and Health.

Keynote Speaker at the UF Mindfulness Day 2016. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 26, 2016),

Image by Fakurian Design
Meditation Class

Interweaving Mindfulness into the Higher Education Experience by Dr. Angela Lindner

Dr. Lindner is Associate Provost Undergraduate Affairs, University of Florida at UF  Mindfulness Day 2016. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (September 26, 2016).

Mindfulness as a Way of Life by Michael A. Singer

Mickey Singer is author of “The Untethered Soul” and “The Surrender Experiment”. He was keynote speaker at the  UF Mindfulness Day 2015. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL ( September 28, 2015).

Beach Meditation
Image by Dave Lowe

Co-Passion: Revolutionary Power of Compassion by Jenni Spännäri

(Adobe Connect plug-in required to watch the recording)

Invited guest speaker, Jenni Spännäri, PhD, of the University of Helsinki in Finland. Dr Spännäri is one of the principal investigators in the CoPassion research project, with a background in theology, sociology of religion and social gerontology.  Her talk was given Dec. 7, 2015 at the UF. 


Dr. Spännäri’s talk focused on the research project CoPassion, exploring the revolutionary power of compassion in business and in the workplace. The extensive project – launched in the beginning of 2015 and involving 10 researchers and 20 business partners – examines what compassion is, how compassion is created maintained and reinforced, and how compassion affects business productivity.

University of Florida, UF Mindfulness Program 

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